Lab Notes
A record of our thoughts
and some advice for marketing and branding your business along the way.

Know What Battles to Fight
My kids teach me a lot and one of the things they most recently taught me is that when there are battles to be fought,...

Do You Think Everyone Has Unique Skills? I Do!
Organizing a wedding can be stressful. Not only do you have to figure out which family members can’t sit next to each...

How to Pick a Hobby
For too long, I didn't have a hobby. I saw friends and family members with "cool" hobbies that brought them joy and...

Change Can Be Scary, but It’s Time to Make Time for Me Again!
As some of you may know, I have spent the last 2.5 years homeschooling our oldest two children, while also home with...

2,880 minutes to MAKE A MOVIE!
We made a movie in 48 Hours... again. Yes, you've probably heard us, or more specifically me, rave about this over the...

Is the Book Industry Marketing Itself Differently?
Continuing from my last blog (How TikTok Changed the Publishing Industry), it’s no surprise my love for books and...

See, Click, Play and Repeat
Album covers make the first impression. They help set the tone and represent ideas the artist is trying to communicate...

Did Duolingo Change the Marketing Game?
If you’re anything like me and scrolling through TikTok, I can almost guarantee you that you have seen an oversized...

3 Things to Consider in a Cookieless World
When we first started providing marketing services, it was at the height of targeting demographics, locations, and...

Never Have a Research Sample of One
In marketing, a phrase that you hear from time to time is to never trust a sample of one. Simply, when doing brand...

Unconventional Creativity
Creativity is so much more than drawing, painting, photography, etc. Creativity is a state of mind that everyone...

Does Work and Home Life Balance Exist?
Is Work and Home Life Balance Possible? I know that work and home life balance has really been a hot topic, especially...

What is a Brand Deck?
What is a brand deck? A brand deck is a marketing tool that consists of a series of slides, typically accompanied by...