“Don’t settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave it your all.”
Angela Bassett
I’m sure we’ve all been in a situation where you might not have been feeling the best that day, or you weren’t super confident in whatever important moment it was, and things didn’t go your way. Well, that feeling sucks. You don’t know if your ideas didn’t work out, or if the way you presented them wasn’t good enough. Either way, you are left with doubts about your performance.
It’s definitely easier said than done, but it is important to bring your best to the table. Every. Single. Opportunity. You. Have. Yes, that may be really hard. There are so many factors that go into your mood, but you need to do whatever it takes to be all there when it matters.
Angela Bassett is a great example of someone who always brings her all every chance she gets. This amazing actress has faced a good amount of challenges getting to where she is today. Growing up, she was raised in Florida by her single mother who was a social worker. From there, she worked very hard to attend Yale School of Drama. She didn’t settle for average in college either. As a result of her work ethic, she earned a B.A. in Afro-American Studies and an M.F.A. in drama.
After graduation, she had to really prove her talents to gain roles not traditionally assigned to African-American women. Now, this well-decorated actress is known for playing exceptionally strong women, as well as being extremely versatile on-screen.
(Background info from biography.com)
If you should take one piece of advice from Bassett it should be to always bring our best to every situation and never settle for average
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