If you market to everyone, you market to no one.
You need to put in the work to know who your customers are ASAP. If you don’t do this you may be losing business to competitors who have a better grasp on their target audience.
Getting to know your customers is crucial. Not only because it’ll help you to get more business, but so you can give current and future customers the best possible service you can offer. Emphasizing getting to know your customer’s needs and wants will turn into creating relationships. This is important because the relationships you create are HUGE.
Positive word of mouth marketing is absolutely everything today. There are so many identical goods and services on the market that people are very likely to consult a friend, Facebook page, or any reviews they can find before making a purchasing decision to ensure they are finding a great fit for them.
Seth Godin is a perfect example of someone who has always kept his target audience at the front of his mind
Here is a condensed timeline of his early accomplishments:
1995: Launched ‘Yoyodyne’ A company that used innovative ideas to promote companies among their target audiences.
(Timeline info from famouspeople.com)
Became big when a venture-capital firm invested $4 million for a 20% stake. Then gained popularity and companies like Microsoft, Sony Music, Sprint, and Volvo started using its services.
1998: Sold ‘Yoyodyne’ to ‘Yahoo!’ for $30 million & became Yahoo’s vice president of permission marketing.
2000: Wrote ‘Unleashing the Ideavirus’, which is claimed to be the most downloaded book of all time.
2005: Published another book ‘All Marketers are Liars’. The book got serialized in the Fortune Magazine and made it to the Amazon Top 100 bestseller list.
2006: Launched ‘Squidoo.com’ which became one of the 500 most visited websites in the world.
2007: Published ‘The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit’, which ranked at number 5 on the New York Times Best Seller List.
A pattern in all of his great early accomplishments is that he always knew who his target customer was. From the start, he created a business that promotes companies to their target audiences. So it’s pretty obvious that this is his strong suit. Now as an author, it’s clear he hasn’t lost sight of knowing who he is creating content for. Due to this, he is now a very decorated author with a grand total of 14 bestsellers under his belt.
From Godin’s success, we can credit that the man always knows who he’s talking to.
Check out our last blog post that features another great mind: Steve Jobs
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